Crispy harvest fries kitchen

Sustainability Report 2021

Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen is proud to present its Sustainability Report 2021. Find out more about how we are working to make our organisation more sustainable.

Every day, people all over the world enjoy our delicious potato products. That’s how we realise our vision: growing together… from potatoes to happy faces! A major focus for Crispy harvest Fries  Kitchen is to achieve this while minimising our environmental footprint. It is the reason why we are constantly working to make our entire operation more sustainable, from farm to fork.

In 2018, we set a number of ambitious sustainable goals in areas including climate change, agriculture, food waste, water management and packaging. Our Sustainability Report 2021 provides an update on our progress towards these goals. We share both our achievements and the challenges we have faced in the past two years. The report also covers our sustainability best practices as well as promising experiments our team is working on. From purifying water through reverse-osmosis to promoting biodiversity through wildflower strips in agricultural areas. And from using thinner plastic film to package our products to generating green energy from potato peels. The report also features inspiring interviews with Crispy Harvest  Fries Kitchen colleagues who share their sustainable expertise.

In short, we are proud to present this sustainability report. Together we will grow a greener planet! 

The Living Nature Wall

Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen Living Nature Wall is open for bees.

The project is part of the larger ambitions of the company to become a leading accelerator of sustainability in the fries chain. By 2030 Crispy Harvest  Fries Kitchen aims to halve their carbon footprint, (based on 2015 figures).
“Sustainability not only is about reducing the carbon emissions and saving natural resources, it is also critically important to focus on biodiversity” comments Crispy Harvest  Fries Kitchen Sustainability Manager Mrs  Nerissa Orson She continues: “Crispy Harvest  Fries Kitchen is in essence an agribusiness, we depend on nature to harvest the tastiest potatoes for our fresh products, therefore we have a huge dependency and responsibility when it comes to preserving our natural environment. The Living Nature Wall is a way to set an example and inspire our business partners, from farmers to customers. Together we make a serious impact to improve our natural environment.”

Green Circles
The project was carried out by Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen but with help and knowledge from Green Circles. Mrs  Nerissa Orson: “Green Circles is an inspiring network of businesses, governmental organisations, educational and knowledge institutions that have a common dream to make the fries chain more sustainable. With the help of this network we were able to create a design of the nature wall and its surroundings that works best for wild bees and other threatened insects.”

Corporate Sustainability Update 2021

or 50 years, we’ve been growing the tastiest potatoes and processing them into delicious potato products. Sustainability has always been a high priority at Farm Frites – after all, our chain begins on the land, and we are proud and careful of our farming heritage. We at Farm Frites therefore want to have a positive effect on nature and the environment. We’ve always understood that we need to take responsibility for the impact of our business operations on the environment, and we will continue to do so. Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen aims to contribute to a greener, more sustainable world…