Crispy harvest fries kitchen

Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen

In a constantly-changing world that is experiencing explosive population growth, we ensure that our clients …

Growing together from potatoes to happy faces

In 1990 we began as, and still are, a family business. We are proud of our farming heritage. For more than 49 years, we have been passionate about working with people and with nature. Our rich history in potato cultivation and production has resulted in long-term partnerships with our highly-valued clients, growers and employees. 


We are ambitious

Together with our growers, we are continuously working on further developments in the potato sector, in which sustainability always plays an important role. More than 2,000 Crispy Harvest Fries Kitchen employees work every day on serving the global potato product market to the best of their abilities. We immerse ourselves in cultures. We are inquisitive and enthusiastic, and want to understand what motivates our clients. What is happening in local markets. We are always searching for new developments, following trends and trying out new ideas. This allows us to provide customized solutions, which in turn helps us build up long-term client relations.


We want to grow together

We want to be global pioneers, continue to innovate and surprise our clients with new products. Together with our growers, clients and employees, we want as many people as possible all over the world to enjoy our delicious fries and potato specialties.